Once I had pulled out the Tremec, it was just sitting on the floor like a discarded Snickers wrapper, when I decided to pull the trans off of the scattershield. Once it was off, I noticed a hole on the spacer plate (between the bell and the trans). I placed the clutch fork from the '95 so that the pivot point was over the hole. The throwout bearing was precisely over the center hole in the scattershield! I had assumed that the scattershield was for the old style push linkage only. Anyway, I was able to weld a scrap piece of steel on the inside of the scattershield at the mounting point for the pivot, and then drill and tap the hole. This allows me to use the Tremec with the hydraulic clutch so I am back in business!
Got the wiring 95% ready for the initial startup of the motor. I am waiting for some parts to come in so I will focus and getting the A/C ready and tie up loose ends with the stereo system. There is no package shelf to install rear speakers in so I am at a loss of where to put them. Maybe some surface mount woofers will work. I have some investigation to do.
I will post pics as I go at http://picasaweb.google.com/bradh.fb/MustangEFISwap#
As I continue to make progress, more will come!
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